Seismic Grand Challenge Problems

RTH technology is able to answer the following seismic challenges:

Challenge #1. High cost to support horizontal drilling (LWD)

RTH solution: Increased spatial resolution in depth, including to support high-precision horizontal drilling technologies.

Challenge #2. The cost of asquisition aseismic data is rising, but the quality of processing and interpretation is not.

RTH Solution: The increasing the detail and quality of seismic attributes without the rising the cost of field work.

Challenge #3. High cost of high-frequency FWI processing.

RTH Solution: The obtaining high spatial resolution RTH seismic attributes on the base the new efficient mathematical RTH method solutions, requiring adequate computational resources.

Challenge #4. The lack of results on the direct forecast for hydrocarbon deposits based on the integration of seismic and well logging data using artificial intelligence methods.

RTH solution: Use of RTH seismic attributes of high (up to 1 meter) spatial resolution.