List of the main features of the RTH method

1.RTH, unlike conventional RTM solutions, is based on solving a system of differential equations of first-order acoustics in pressures and velocities

2.Initial Velocity Model in RTH — Arbitrary Piecewise Gradient Continuous Function of Spatial Variables

3.In the RTH method, the «synthesis» operator maps the VDCIG data space to the seismic attribute space and  is a formal generalization of the “Imaging Condition” image function that is used in all RTM variants.

4. RTH is based on the analysis of total scattering vector diagrams depending on time at each point in space. In other words, the RTH scattering index is not only a function of spatial angles, but also of time.

5.The RTH method is focused on revealing the spatiotemporal anisotropy of total scattering at each point of the medium. The traditional reflection boundaries in the RTH paradigm are interpreted only as an effect of «in-phase scattering»

6.In contrast to RTM, the RTH method analyzes not the angles averaged over the ensemble between the incident (reference) and scattered waves and their amplitudes, but rather the detailed mutual position of two vectors at each moment of time for each source.

7. The RTH method includes, as a special case, the RTM method and is an alternative to the PSTM, PSDM, FWI, AVO/AVA/AVAZ, Acoustic Inversion, MVA methods.