RTH Technology- The Best Time-dependent Scattering Seismic Technology in the World

4DPRMTechnologies Team (4DPTT) presents the new Time-dependent Scattering Seismic  Technology   Reverse Time Holography (RTH).  The RTH is a high-effective state-of-the-art solution for oil & gas  prospecting and development including seismic service for horizontal drilling.

RTH technology answers the next Grand Challenge Problems of seismic:

  • Increasing the spatial resolution of seismic attributes, including for support high-precision technology of horizontal drilling
  • Improving the quality of seismic data processing and of geologic results without increasing the cost of data acquisition
  • Building a ultra-high resolution velocity model using new mathematical approaches and adequate computing resources 
  • Possibility of direct exploration of hydrocarbon deposits based on  joint analysis of seismic and well logging data using artificial intelligence methods